About Book & Author

From the book:

I met a man who’s father was a minister. He  told his son evil likes to disguise themselves to look like good. There is a verse in the bible saying Satan appears as an angel of light. When I told that to a fellow worker at a machine shop did he have a story that sent chills running through me.

A story about a Catholic looking priest he seen many times walking the streets near where he used to work. One day the man entered the Head Shop where he worked making pipes and roach clips etc. This was back in the 70’s.

There was a woman at the counter and he was talking to her. My friend had a monitor screen and could watch customer’s while working. The woman was the only one showing up on his monitor.

What happens next? Contact me to find out when the book comes out!

I once worked at a lumber yard. One day my boss asked me to work a Saturday and drop off and pick up lumber at a job site. He was adamant that I bring the forklift back because his top customer needs a delivery first thing Monday morning  Three times he repeated that under no circumstances do I return without forklift

I went to the jobsite… no one there so I unloaded truck… loaded truck with lumber to bring back and started up the dirt hill. The truck was unable to make it up all loaded down on this dirt hill. No problem, I will unhitch lift and drive the truck up the hill then drive the lift up and hitch it up at top of the hill. Forklift will not go up the hill. I drive it up as far as it will go and use one of my tie down ropes to pull lift up the hill. Suddenly the rope breaks and the Forklift is headed down a steep hill. There is a porta potty, an office trailer, a cliff, and a home all framed up this lift was sure to do some major damage to.

I put the emergency break on and got out of truck to see what was about to happen. The fork lift was headed directly at the newly framed home. With its huge ballon tires I pictured it jumping the foundation, taking out a wall and going through the floor of the home.

What happens next? It’s in the book.

About the Author, Ron Pollock

This book is being written for several reasons. Purchasing the book will help the author prepare even more for his ministry. The book will be later offered on this site besides Amazon. Author is trying to stay away from the 501c3 status. “The Church leaders” has of yet to receive my testimony. I use the word church loosely… it is not a building, it is “believers!” Even Jesus was not believed in and said this during His ministry.

Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and among his own relatives and in his own household.” 5 And He could do no miracle there except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. 6 And He wondered at their unbelief. He also said that he who believes in the one who is sent, believes in the One who sent him. God can open doors that no man can close.

Most of the prophecy teachers (T.V.) have my testimony. It is astonishing they have not commented on it! I am a prophet. What do prophets do? Prophets predict what will happen. What I am predicting has already been written in the book of Revelation. I am saying some scriptures that were written by Saint John on the Island of Patmos some 2,000 years ago have now been and will all soon be completed in the very near future. The 7-year peace treaty with Israel, the mark of the beast 666, soon to come to pass! In this book you will learn that an angel spoke to this author by whispering in his ear when singing the song of the 144,000 “Like a Song, Like One of Old.”

The author’s story has an evangelist through the gift of the word of knowledge, singled him out in a church service comparing him to the calling and choosing of David, and even Moses. This happened two weeks after the other events. Two months later the author has an encounter with the power of the Holy Spirit showing a vision after speaking with him face to face like unto Moses.

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Thank you for your interest and I hope it blesses you and all who hear or read this awesome story.